var language = (function() { var private = { '__conf_img': 'Are you sure you want to delete that image?', '__conf_doc': 'Are you sure you want to delete that document?', '__conf_lnk': 'Are you sure you want to delete that link?', '__conf_itm': 'Are you sure you want to delete that item?', '__conf_sel': 'Are you sure you want to remove the selected items?', '__conf_act': 'Are you sure you want to perform this action?', '__confirm': 'Confirm', '__cancel': 'Cancel', '__ok': 'Ok', '__removed': 'Item removed', '__updating': 'Updating...', '__updated': 'Successfully updated', '__docrem': 'Document removed', '__lnkrem': 'Link successfully removed!', '__imgrem': 'Image removed', '__file_upl': 'The file has been uploaded', '__img_upl': 'The photo has been uploaded', '__act_don': 'The action has concluded successfully', '__erro_img': 'Error removing image', '__erro_doc': 'Error removing document', '__erro_lnk': 'Error removing link', '__erro_uimg': 'Error updating image', '__erro_udoc': 'Error updating document', '__erro_ulnk': 'Error updating link', '__erro_act': 'Error executing action', '__erro_upld': 'Error uploading document', '__add_d': 'Document(s)', '__saving': 'Saving...', '__select': 'Select', '__erro_pass': 'Error: Wrong username or password', '__acc_pass': 'Error: Password must be at least 4 characters long', '__mshow': 'Show markers', '__mhide': 'Hide markers', '__sid': 'g8dd709gbvg4nrddk20g1mprp5', '__lang': 'en' }; return { get: function(name) { return private[name]; } }; })();